December 21, 2023 By Carol Waweru, Diana Machogu, Jean Eyase, Berber Kramer, and Benjamin Kivuva THE CHALLENGE Many nations in Africa South of the Sahara rely on agriculture for their livelihoods and their food security is threatened by climate change. Kenya, which has been experiencing an increased frequency of drought events - with the most […]
Informing Policies with Causal Impact Evaluations: Co-creation and Trust Matter
This blog is cross posted from AGRILINKS. This post was written by Kibrom Abay, Akhter Ahmed, Clemens Breisinger, Naureen Karachiwalla, Sikandra Kurdi and Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse (all from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)). Policymakers have incredibly complex decisions to make, and they rely on a broad range of information to support that process. Which policies and programs work best for their constituents? […]
Announcement of the Kenya Food Security Simulator (KFSS) Blog Competition Winners.
On July 19, 2023, the CGIAR Research Initiative on National Policies and Strategies initiated a blog competition, inviting all attendees of the Food Security Simulator Kenya demonstration to participate. The competition winner would be eligible for a short-term industrial attachment/mentorship at IFPRI’s Kenya office and the top three blogs would be published on the CGIAR […]
Kenya’s new urban school meal plan is ambitious – and could offer lessons for scaling up
This blog is cross posted from IFPRI website. BY ELISHEBA KIRU AND AULO GELLI OPEN ACCESS | CC-BY-4.0 More than 250,000 children in public primary schools in Nairobi will receive regular subsidized school meals provided by the county government. The Dishi Na County program is Kenya’s first in an urban setting. The national school meal program set […]
Kenya Discussion of IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report (GFPR): Rethinking Food Crisis Responses.
BY DAVID WANJUI[1], JUNEWEENEX MBUTHIA AND LENSA OMUNE[2] Related blog is cross posted by The University of Nairobi. Follow processing at youtube In 2022, the world experienced disruptions in the global food systems mainly driven by an array of challenges, including war, COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather events, mass migration, and political instability and pointing […]